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Ijsblokjesmachine inox finish 1,8L Domo Print  PDF

Want to make ice cubes whenever you like? Then DOMO’s DO9253IB ice-cube maker is just what you need. The appliance makes 9 ice cubes, ready for use, in just 9 minutes. So bring on the cocktails, mocktails, or iced coffees! The appliance is fully automatic, making up to 12 kg of ice cubes in 24 hours.

You can also make ice cubes in advance, and store them in the freezer so that you have a whole stockpile ready to go. The indicator lights show when the water tank is empty or the ice cube basket is full.

Inhoud 1,8 cl,g,kg,Liter,ml
Fysieke kenmerken
Kleur Zilver
  • 199,95€
  • Excl. BTW: 165,25€

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Tags: Ijsblokjesmachineinoxfinish18LDomoIjsblokjesmachineToestellen ijsblokjes makenApparaten ijsblokjesMachines ijsblokjesijsblokjesmachine